Our Company

UTOREM is an independent provider of real estate services focusing on the development and management of real estate assets on a consultancy (separate account) basis. We pursue an active approach to real estate investment management. Based on your investment strategy, we assess investment properties for prospective acquisition, initiate and manage project developments, and optimise your real estate investments at both portfolio and property level. Our Code of Conduct ensures that the work we do is carried out in a transparent and professional manner and that our services meet the highest industry standards.


Our team looks back on many years of accumulated expertise in developing and managing real estate assets – both in institutional settings and in the style of a real estate family office. The core business areas that we cover include active portfolio/asset management, investment management and customised real estate project development.


Valentin Mueller CEO UTOREMValentin Müller, CEO
Christian Grewe-Rellmann

Christian Grewe-Rellmann

Deputy CEO / Head of Development & Construction / M.Sc. ETH in Architecture, EMBA HSG, MAS UZH in Real Estate

Focus and fields of activity
- Overall responsibility for project development portfolio
- Location and market analyses
- Use concepts, product definitions
- Conducting architecture competitions
- Management of development processes
- Site and property valuations
- Advisory mandates

Extension +41 44 385 20 86
Languages: German/French/English

Jochen Hien

Jochen Hien

Project Developer / Dipl. Architect FH, MAS Construction Management FHNW

Focus and fields of activity
- Development and evaluation of energy optimisation measures
- Implementation of structural measures for renovations, conversions and energy optimisations
- Processing of contracts
- Coordination of the building permit process
- Providing owner-side management of refurbishment and optimisation projects throughout all phases
- Representation of the owner's interests vis-à-vis third parties
- Support of project development

Extension +41 44 385 20 95
Languages: De / En / It

Sandra Lehnherr

Sandra Lehnherr

Asset Manager / MAS ZFH Real Estate Management

Focus and fields of activity
- Asset management
- Financial management and reporting
- Property strategies
- Tenant relations management
- Management of new tenancy commissions
Extension +41 44 385 20 91
Languages: German/English/French

Valentin Müller

CEO / Chartered Surveyor MRICS, M.SC. in Real Estate (CUREM), Dipl. Architekt ETH

Focus and fields of activity
- Mandate management, company management
- Portfolio analysis, strategy development
- Management of property transactions
- Project development support
- Communications, proprietor reports
- Advisory mandates
- Client care

Extension +41 44 385 20 90
Languages: German/English/French


Anna Luna Peikert

Asset Manager / Federal Certificate in Real Estate Valuation

Focus and fields of activity
- Asset management
- Financial management and reporting
- Property strategies
- Tenant relations management
- Management of new tenancy commissions
Extension +41 44 385 20 88
Languages: German/English/French

Ursula Roulin

Office Manager

Focus and fields of activity
- Administration
- Client care
- Workshop and events management
- Project accounting support
- Social media

Extension +41 44 385 20 83
Languages: German/English/French

Stephanie Schenk

Stephanie Schenk

Project Developer / M.Sc. ETH in Architecture, MAS UZH in Real Estate

Focus and fields of activity
- Overall responsibility for project development portfolio
- Location and market analyses
- Use concepts, product definitions
- Conducting architecture competitions
- Management of development processes
- Site and property valuations
- Advisory mandates

Extension +41 44 385 20 81
Languages: German/French/English

UTOREM _Jean-Marc_Schneider

Dr. Jean-Marc Schneider, CFA

Investment Officer / Dr., Dipl. Phys. ETH, Financial Risk Manager (FRM)

Focus and fields of activity
- Financial analyses
- Financial monitoring of investments
- Corporate finance
- ESG issues
- Market analyses

Extension +41 44 385 20 89
Languages: German/English/French


Oliver Schwartz

Portfolio Manager / Chartered Surveyor MRICS, M.Sc. in Real Estate (CUREM), Dipl. Architekt ETH

Focus and fields of activity
- Portfolio and asset management
- Real estate strategy
- Individual property strategy
- Maintenance and refurbishment planning
- Benchmarking and reporting
- Leasehold agreement negotiations
- Sustainability management

Extension +41 44 385 20 84
Languages: German/English/French


Leo Smeets

Transaction Manager / Chartered Surveyor MRICS, M.SC. Architecture / CREM

Focus and fields of activity
- Real estate transaction processes
- Property valuations and inspections
- Due diligence
- Contract negotiations
- Property strategies, potential analyses
- Market analyses

Extension +41 44 385 20 85
Languages: German /Englisch/Dutch/French

Code of Conduct

We base our services on the regulatory environment of our clients and the code of conduct of the world’s most important professional association in the real estate industry, the RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) www.rics.org).

RICS Code of Conduct

  1. Conduct business in an honest, fair, transparent and professional manner.
  2. Carry out work with due skill, care and diligence, and ensure that any staff employed have the necessary skills to carry out their tasks.
  3. Ensure that clients are provided with terms of engagement which are fair and clear. These should meet all legal requirements and relevant codes of practice including reference to complaints-handling procedures and, where it exists, an appropriate redress scheme.
  4. Do the utmost to avoid conflicts of interest and, where they do arise, deal with them openly, fairly and promptly.
  5. Not discriminate unfairly in any dealings.
  6. In all dealings with clients, ensure that all communications (both financial and non-financial subject matters) are fair, clear, timely and transparent.
  7. Ensure that all advertising and marketing material is honest, decent and truthful.
  8. Ensure that all client money is held separately from other monies in appropriately designated accounts and is covered by adequate insurance.
  9. Have adequate and appropriate professional indemnity insurance or equivalent in place that complies with the RICS Rules of Conduct. Having proper cover is a key part of managing your risk.
  10. Ensure that it is made clear to all parties with whom you are dealing the scope of your obligations to each party.
  11. Where provided as part of the service, give a realistic assessment of the likely selling, buying or rental price, associated cost of occupancy or of the likely financial outcome of any issues, using best professional judgment.
  12. Ensure that all meetings, inspections and viewings are carried out in accordance with the client’s lawful and reasonable wishes, having due regard for the security and personal safety of all parties.

Guiding Principles

We actively manage, secure and expand real estate assets.

Our Guiding Principles


We are the first port of call for direct real estate investments on a consultancy basis (separate account) in the German-speaking regions of Switzerland.


We fulfil our clients’ ambitious objectives by drawing on the skills and expertise of our highly qualified employees, improving processes on a continual basis and deploying our first-class network in a focused and targeted manner.


We are client-focused, act with integrity and continuously strive to achieve excellence. Our stringent ethical standards compel us to act reliably and sustainably.

Partners and clients

To help us ensure that relevant processes function properly, UTOREM cooperates with a number of external partners, such as Apleona Schweiz AG, Schaeppi Grundstücke AG, Wüest Partner AG, CMS von Erlach Poncet AG, Prager Dreifuss AG, Reamis und MSCI.


You will find information on our investment properties in the area of acquisition and project development here.

Contact us

Questions? We would be pleased to arrange a meeting with you at any time.
