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Energy-efficient facade renovation in Niederhasli

At Lindenstrasse 26-32 in Niederhasli, an energy-efficient facade renovation was successfully completed for our client, a Swiss pension fund. To improve the building’s energy efficiency, the external thermal insulation was renewed and reinforced, and the windows were also replaced. The new windows with triple glazing have an excellent thermal insulation, meaning that 30 tons of CO2 can be saved per year in future thanks to the measures implemented.

The well-coordinated and quickly implemented project has made a valuable contribution to sustainability as well as improving comfort for the tenants. UTOREM would like to thank Avobis Advisory AG, also on behalf of the owners.

Energetische Sanierung an Liegenschaft Lindenstrasse Niederhasli
Energetische Sanierung an Liegenschaft Lindenstrasse Niederhasli